Collaboration is the Key Jeff Jones at TheCube We are innovation and attention to detail. Our clients rely on our expertise in design, technology integration, and rapid prototyping to deliver exceptional, operating solutions. Read More Portfolio Book Launch at Foys Arcade Foys Arcade Melbourne Innovation Central Melbourne Industry-University Collaboration Launch of the Digital Innovation Hub AR for retail Woz at the Bakery, QUT The Virtual Reef at QUT’s theCube The Physics playroom at theCube The Victorian Virtual Emergency Department La Trobe Universitie4s Digital Innovation Hub Gesture-based Multi-user music maker, Griffith Red-Zones Immersive Indigenous Cultural Heritage Nike’s social media wall The social media wall The Swiper SaaS for large scale gesture interaction The 12 Point plan for collaboration Process modelling and analysis Interaction Design for remote Operations Centres Disaster Management Retail R&D Newcrest Geology Centre of Excellence Digital Innovation Hub design Health Chain device G20 Summit Social Media Wall The CollaborationHub SaaS User comments The Book If you need design and technology services, our creativity brings any project to life. Contact Us